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Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 8 months ago



More than 250 messages were posted to our group on its first day. This can be for less experienced members, or those with hectic work calendars at this time of the year!!!




As a first step, make sure you've set your mailing preferences to "Daily digest". It may take Yahoo a while to process that, but when it does, you will be getting only one email for every 25 messages posted to the group. Then you'll find it really easy to scan the subject lines (which are all grouped at the top) and click only on the ones you really want to read (they're hyperlinked to the texts in the same message you get).


If you find digests still too time-consuming, you can change your emailing preferences to "Special Notices", in which case you'll be getting only messages we moderators post as special (the weekly tasks posted today, for instance). Or you may choose "No mail", and simply ignore the interaction at the group completely!


Try http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/groups/mypreferences/ for detailed guidelines on how to do this (you can change your mailing preferences as many times as you like).


Meanwhile, you can read everybody's intros at http://bloggingforbeginners.pbwiki.com/Participants , and at the weekend a summary of discussions "you shouldn't miss" will be published at the wiki too.


As you probably know, weekly tasks are also available at http://bloggingforbeginners.pbwiki.com/WeeklyTasks, so you needn't worry about missing anything even if you don't read a single message!


If you choose to receive group messages (individually or digests) with your email, creating a filter that automatically puts them into a folder is a clever way to separate them from all your other emails. You can then look into that folder whenever you want to, and ignore it for the rest of the day. Try this link on How you can automatically organize messages if you´re using Outlook Express for a tutorial to do that.


You can also help others follow by:


  • making subject lines as specific as possible
  • deleting all irrelevant text from original messages when replying


And remember just lurking is perfect!


Things will quieten down soon, just help us make it as easy as possible for everyone...


The Blogging Team

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