
Live Sessions

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Blogging for Beginners 2007



Live Sessions









Time in GMT





 Check the World Clock for your local time or try Qlock and mouseover the map in your area.


Kick-off Webcast

Sunday, Jan 14 at 15 GMT
EVO Kick-off Webcast - Hosted by Jeff Lebow
Worldbridges - http://webheadsinaction.org (link to the chat room on the right side of the page. In order to listen to the session, you need to click on one of the sound channel icons)
Listen to the Webcast Session (and leave your comments) at http://webheadsinaction.org/



Week 1: Getting Started


Monday and Tuesday, January 15 and 16
22:00 GMT
Skype Office Hours for doubts, questions, and support for participants Skype ID: carlaarena


Wednesday, January 17
22:00 to 23:00 GMT at Yahoo Messenger (YM)
Short Chat on your expectations for this workshop and your experience so far. We'll also explore how this tool can help us in the following weeks. Yahoo Contact ID: gladysbaya
Participants: Betty Burgos, Jose Silva, JuanLu Sanchez, Ehsan Amini, Mary Hillis, Lahcen Tighoula(Ahmed Ali), Nina Liakos, Georgia Jarrell(scifiladygj), Maite Martinez, Jenny Denman, Dennis Oliver (doliver_phoenix), Isabel Teixeira, Linda Neas, Erika Cruvinel and Gladys Baya You can read the chat log here . Click on the "Comments" tab at the top of this screen to share your reactions to it!



Saturday, January 20
10:00 to 11:00 GMT at Yahoo Messenger (YM)
Short Chat on your expectations for this workshop and your experience so far. We'll also explore how this tool can help us in the following weeks. Yahoo Contact ID: gladysbaya
Participants: Betty Burgos, Jose Antonio Silva, JuanLu Sanchez, Mary Hillis, Nina Lyulkun, Janet Tucker, Horacio Idarraga Gil, Elena Vyushkina (Lena), Monica Veado, Ira, Erika Cruvinel and Gladys Baya You can read the chat log here . Click on the "Comments" tab at the top of this screen to share your reactions to it!



Week 2: Understanding and Starting a Blog


Tuesday, January 23
22:00 to 24:00 GMT at Yahoo Messenger (YM)
Office Hours to clarify any doubts on week 2 tasks. Yahoo Contact ID: erikacruvinel
  Participants: Erika Cruvinel, Dennis Oliver, Nina Lyulkun, Juan Sanchez, Bárbara Tous and Veronica Baig

You can read the second part of the chat log here .



Click on the "Comments" tab at the top of this screen to share your reactions to it!



Wednesday, January 24
18:00 to 20:00 GMT at Yahoo Messenger (YM)
Office Hours to clarify any doubts on week 2 tasks. Yahoo Contact ID: erikacruvinel
Participants: Erika Cruvinel, Bárbara Tous and Veronica Baig

Chat log about how to log in to Blogger, add and edit posts



Chat log about how to change the settings and permissions of a blog



Click on the "Comments" tab at the top of this screen to share your reactions to it!


Saturday, January 27
11:00 to 13:00 GMT Alado
Office Hours to clarify any doubts on week 2 tasks. No contact ID needed
Participants: Dennis, Nina, Gladys, Carla Arena, Erika, Jennifer, Mary, Karim and Claudio (a BAW participant)

Read the chat log of our training session.



Click on the "Comments" tab at the top of this screen to share your reactions to it!



Week 3: Blogging: Off We Go!


Phil Hollows,the Founder and Chief Executive of Feedblitz, the Internet's largest and most successful RSS and Blog to Email service

Thursday, Feb 01

from 17:00 GMT to 18:00 GMT



Extending the reach of your blog:

- Learn how to subscribe to your students' blogs or other blogs that interest you and get updates in your e-mail inbox

- Learn how to offer e-mail subscription to your blog and increase your reader community

Participants:  Claudia Bellusci (Argentina); Erika Alves (Brazil); Gladys Baya (Argentina); Nina Lyulkun (Ukraine); Barbara Tous (Argentina); Carla Arena (USA); Elizabeth Anne (Colombia); Jennifer Verschoor (Argentina); Horacio Idarraga Gil (Venezuela); Jose A. da Silva (Brazil); Karim (Morocco); Juanlusz (Spain); Monica Veado (Brazil)
Pat Maceda (Argentina); Janet Tucker (Israel).


See the slides here.


Listen to the recorded session

Share your reactions to this session by:


  • Clicking on the "Comments" tab at the top of this screen to; or
  • Making a comment in the group blog about it (to the entry on RSS); or
  • Posting in your own blog (include a link to this page, or to the chat log)





Week 4: Involving Students in Blogging



Bee Dieu and Aaron Campbell



Friday, February 9th 


22:00 GMT 



Barbara Dieu is the Coordinator of the Foreign Languages Department and an EFL teacher at the Franco Brazilian secondary school in São Paulo. She´s been involved in collaborative projects online since 1997 and blogging since 2003. Check out Her Personal Blog and Her Class Blog.

Aaron Campbell teaches EFL at Kyoto Sangyo University. He has been using blogs with his students since 2002.Check out His Personal blog, His Blog for students, English Conversations.

Bee and Aaron have developed a wonderful joint Blogging project, The Open Web Publishing EFL/ESL project


Presenters: Bee Dieu and Aaron Campbell

Participants: Claudia Bellusci (Argentina), Erika Alves (Brazil), Gladys Baya (Argentina), Berta Leiva (Venezuela), Carla Arena (USA), Dennis Oliver (USA), Elizabeth Anne (France), Horacio Idarraga (Venezuela), Juan Luis(Spain), Karim (Morocco), Mary Hillis (Japan), Nina Lyulkun (Ukraine), Paul Beaufait (Japan).

See the slides here



Read the chat log 




Listen to the recorded session

Share your reactions to this session by posting a comment to our group blog under the post "Best Blogging Practices"





Week 5: Making Your Blog Unique



Optional 1-hour chat  sessions where you'll be able to ask questions and get help to accomplish week 5 tasks. All of the sessions will be held at Yahoo Messenger (YM)





Hosted by

Yahoo Contact ID

Monday, February 12th

14.00 to 15.00 GMT

Carla Arena  carlaarena
Tuesday, February 13th

00.00 to 01.00 GMT 


13.00 to 14.00 GMT

Claudia Bellusci mcbellusci
Wednesday, February 14th 14.00 to 15.00 GMT Carla Arena carlaarena
Thursday, February 15th 22.00 to 23.00 GMT Erika Cruvinel erikacruvinel
Friday, February 16th 23.00 to 24.00 GMT Claudia Bellusci mcbellusci
Saturday, February 17th 11:30 to 12:30 GMT Gladys Baya gladysbaya


 LAST-MINUTE CANCELLATION: due to personal problems, Claudia will not be able to meet you online tonight.  We've been unable to find a replacement. Thanks for your understanding!




Week 6: Rounding Off

Sunday, February 25th 18:00 to 19:00 GMT Alado GRADUATION PARTY
Participants: Carla Arena (Brazil / US), Claudia Bellusci (Argentina), Gladys Baya (Argentina), Barbara Tous Paz (Argentina), Beyza Yilmaz (Turkey), Dennis Oliver (US), Elizabeth Anne (France), Erika Cruvinel (Brazil), Hala Fa (Sudan), Jose Antonio da Silva (Brazil), Karim (Morocco), Maite (Spain), Maru del Campo (Mexico), Nora Brussolo (Argentina), Nina Liakos (US), Nina Al ((Ukraine), Janet Tucker (Israel)    



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