Welcome to Blogging for Beginners (B4B)

This is the wiki for Blogging for Beginners 2007 - an EVO workshop taking place between Jan 15 and Feb 25, 2007.
Here you will find all the content to our Session. Check the SideBar on the right for the links and materials.
If you have any doubts, questions or comments, feel free to contact us.
The Blogging Team
Moderators: Carla, Claudia, Erika and Gladys
Co-moderator: Silvana
Blogging for Beginners 2007
This workshop is over! Feel free to browse our materials by following the links from the SideBar
Would you like to keep learning with an online community?
B4B in Numbers
(period considered: Jan 15 to Feb 25, 2007)
Participants: 184
Messages exchanged: 1954
Blogs in our Database: 72
Links in our Blinklist: 270
While the facilitators of this workshop will attempt to remove or edit any generally objectionable material as quickly as possible, it is impossible to review every contribution and/or edit to a wiki.
Therefore you acknowledge that all materials published do not necessarily express the views and opinions of the apparent author, workshop facilitators or wiki owners, and hence they will not be held liable.
You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-oriented or other material that may violate any applicable laws. You also agree that the workshop facilitators have the right to rename, edit, move or delete any wiki page at any time should they see fit. The workshop facilitators cannot be held responsible for any hacking attempt that may lead to the data being compromised.
Anyone who knows the wiki-wide password can contribute to its content. Though the workshop facilitators have intended to share that password only among workshop participants registered at the workshop Yahoo! group, there is no way to ensure it has not been shared with others.
To make collaboration easier, we encourage all contributors to avoid making anonymous entries. Thanks in anticipation!
The Blogging Team
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