Welcome ErikaA [Mary H] Good morning Horacio! [ErikaA] Hello Horacio! We are just warming up! [Nagora] Hi Carla! [Horacio Idarraga Gil] Hi Mary. In Japan is midnight? [Horacio Idarraga Gil] Hi Erika. Nice to see you again [Mary H] It is nearly 7 am in Japan now [Carla Arena] hi, everybody [Mary H] Hi Carla! [Carla Arena] hi, Aaron. Thanks for being here with us1 [Carla Arena] us! [Horacio Idarraga Gil] Hi Carla. Nice voice in you blog [aaron] hello Carla, Erika, Horacio! [ErikaA] Carla, I guess we only had moderator's privileges in our last session... [Carla Arena] which one? sambaefl? [aaron] yes...almost 7 am in Japan. [Nagora] midnight in Ukraine! [ErikaA] Almost 8pm in Brazil [Carla Arena] Almost 5 pm in Key West1 [Carla Arena] hi, Dennis! [ErikaA] Hi Dennis! [Horacio Idarraga Gil] Carla. Are getting gringa? [Nagora] Hi Dennis, nice to see you again here. [Dennis-Phoenix] Carlinha! Erikinha! Olá! [Horacio Idarraga Gil] Hi Dennis [Carla Arena] hi, Dennis! [ErikaA] Great to have you here Dennis! [Carla Arena] Yes, I'm a gring here, Horacio. [aaron] hi dennis [Dennis-Phoenix] Hi, Aaron. [Carla Arena] gringa, I mean... Welcome ErikaA [Dennis-Phoenix] Hola, Horacio! [Dennis-Phoenix] And I'm a gringote, I guess! [Horacio Idarraga Gil] Are you learning to eat hot dogs? [Dennis-Phoenix] LOL, Horacio! [Dennis-Phoenix] LOL=laughing out loud [Dennis-Phoenix] Hi, Mary. [Dennis-Phoenix] Hi, Nina! [Horacio Idarraga Gil] Dennis. Riéndose como un loco [Dennis-Phoenix] I love it, Horacio! Laughing like a crazy person! [Mary H] Hi Dennis! [Nagora] Dobroye utro Dennis! [Dennis-Phoenix] Dobroye utro, Ninochka! [Carla Arena] hi, Juanlus [Dennis-Phoenix] (I was hoping you would give me a clue as to the time, Nina.) [Horacio Idarraga Gil] Are you checking audio? [Dennis-Phoenix] Hi, Juan Luis. [juanlusz] hi everybody [Nagora] yep [Nagora] Hi Juan! [ErikaA] Hello Karim! [Dennis-Phoenix] Salaam, Karim! [aaron] hi juan and karim [Mary H] Hello Juan. Hello Karim [Horacio Idarraga Gil] Salaam means hello? [karim] Salam to all [Dennis-Phoenix] Kind of, Horacio. It literally means "Peace," I think. [karim] salam means peace [Nagora] Hello Karim! [Horacio Idarraga Gil] I don´t have audio [Nagora] Hi Elizabeth! [Dennis-Phoenix] Hi, Elizabeth! [Nagora] Why Horacio? [ErikaA] Carla, are you speaking? [Elizabeth Anne] just plugging in my earphones! [Dennis-Phoenix] I'm glad you had a good birthday, Carla. [Carla Arena] I was trying... [Carla Arena] yes, Dennis. [Horacio Idarraga Gil] Do you have audio? [karim] Hppay Birthday Carla [Carla Arena] I think I won [Dennis-Phoenix] Are you speaking now, Carlinha? If so, I can't hear you. [Carla Arena] I'll disconnect and come back in a minute [Dennis-Phoenix] OK. [Elizabeth Anne] Is any one speaking? seems blank! [Nagora] Happy Birthday Carla and Horacio! I haven't seen you yet [Dennis-Phoenix] Is it Horacio's birthday? [Horacio Idarraga Gil] No. It´s Carla. No me [Nagora] I thought it was [Dennis-Phoenix] I knew that yesterday was Carla's birthday. [Nagora] but before yesterday? [Horacio Idarraga Gil] Maybe Nagora was confussd [karim] Is anyone speaking .I can't hear anything [Nagora] perhaps, sorry. [Horacio Idarraga Gil] Neither me [Elizabeth Anne] I can't either [Nagora] blushed [Horacio Idarraga Gil] Take it easy, Nagora [Nagora] Neither can hear [ErikaA] Carla and I tried to speak, but I guess you could not hear us. Could anyone with a mic try it? [Dennis-Phoenix] Horacio: Now I don't have to worry because I can't remember the words to "Las Mañanitas"! [Nagora] thanks Horacio. [Nagora] I can hear [karim] Choppy sound [Dennis-Phoenix] Yes, I heard—but it was kind of loud. [Elizabeth Anne] yessss [Mary H] yes [karim] yes [Berta] hi everyone [Dennis-Phoenix] Yes, Erikinha. [Nagora] yes [Elizabeth Anne] no [Berta] yes Erika [Dennis-Phoenix] Berta! Hola! [juanlusz] yes [Berta] hola Dennis [Gladys] I hear you, [Dennis-Phoenix] Hola, Claudia! [Mary H] Hi Berta! [ClaudiaB] Hi everybody! [Nagora] Hi Berta [Horacio Idarraga Gil] Holaa Berta [ErikaA] Great! [ClaudiaB] Hola Dennis! [Nagora] Hi Claudia! [ClaudiaB] Un gusto verlos a todos [Berta] Hi Mary and Claudia, Horacio [ClaudiaB] Hi Berta and Horacio! [ClaudiaB] Alo Erika! [Carla Arena] yes, Dennis [Mary H] yes [Horacio Idarraga Gil] Cladia. Where are you from? [Elizabeth Anne] more off than on [Elizabeth Anne] yes [Dennis-Phoenix] Yes. [ErikaA] yes!!!! [Berta] yes [ClaudiaB] ARgentina, Horacio [Nagora] Hi Carla! [Gladys] I hear you Carla A. [Dennis-Phoenix] I heard you, Horacio! [Dennis-Phoenix] I hear you, Carlinha! [ClaudiaB] Hi Carla! It's so nice to hera your voice [Berta] Hi birthday girl [Dennis-Phoenix] Hola, Gladys! [Nagora] I hear [Berta] great [Nagora] Hi Gladys [Berta] Hi Gladys!!! [ClaudiaB] Hi Gladys!!!! [Gladys] Hi everyone! [Horacio Idarraga Gil] Hi Gladys, nice to see you again [Gladys] Is that Claudia Bellusci or Bergquist, I wonder? [ClaudiaB] Claudia B [Dennis-Phoenix] Thanks for the update, Aaron. [Berta] Maria Claudia? [ClaudiaB] Oh, we are both Claudia B! I'm Claudia Bellusci [ClaudiaB] Sorry [ClaudiaB] Yes [ErikaA] Funny Clau! [ClaudiaB] I can try [ClaudiaB] LOL [Horacio Idarraga Gil] Sorry, María Claudia [Carla Arena] great, Gladys! [Nagora] yes [Berta] yes [Carla Arena] you don't have to shut up! [ClaudiaB] Yes, Gladys [Elizabeth Anne] not w> [Carla Arena] Great!!! [Gladys] your volume is a bit low, Bee [Nagora] everyone claps, me too. [Carla Arena] for me it's ok [ClaudiaB] a bit low [Dennis-Phoenix] Bee's volume sounds just right to me. [Berta] it is OK here [Elizabeth Anne] low [ErikaA] too loud! [Nagora] much better [Dennis-Phoenix] Too loud for me! [ClaudiaB] yes much better [Elizabeth Anne] yes [ErikaA] lol [Gladys] muuuuch! [Carla Arena] turn down your computer volume, guys [Carla Arena] yes [Nagora] Bee, it's ok [Berta] yes [Dennis-Phoenix] OK. [ClaudiaB] yes!!!!! [Mary H] yes [Gladys] perfect! :Dç [Elizabeth Anne] ok [karim] yes [ClaudiaB] hi, Bee!!! [Horacio Idarraga Gil] I don´t hear anything [ClaudiaB] Hi, Aaron!!!! [Carla Arena] it's our pleasure! [ErikaA] Horacio, check the volume buttom right under the chat window! [ErikaA] Thanks Aaron and Bee! [Dennis-Phoenix] Ditto! [ClaudiaB] What your goals are? [Horacio Idarraga Gil] Thanks, Erika. Now is better [ErikaA] What is your main purpose when you blog? [Bee] exactly [ErikaA] What do your students want? [Gladys] who are you posting for? [Berta] what are students expectations? [ClaudiaB] What topics you want to cover [Dennis-Phoenix] What makes blogging different from discussion forums? [Bee] wonderful [Elizabeth Anne] what do you expect from the students [ErikaA] What activities foster interaction? [Dennis-Phoenix] What can students do in a blog that they can't do in class? [Bee] great [Gladys] what makes posting to a forum different from printed writing? [Berta] what do we need to blog [ErikaA] good Dennis! [Carla Arena] what strategies can you use to keep the dialogue flowing? [Dennis-Phoenix] Erikinha: :o) [Carla Arena] We'll put it in our blinklist [Nagora] Great Carla. [Dennis-Phoenix] Thanks, Carla. [Carla Arena] blogger was difficult... [Nagora] Do students enjoy blogging better than any other platform? [Carla Arena] I didn't know anything about html to work iwht it... [Dennis-Phoenix] You certainly learned a lot about html in a short time, Carlinha! [Carla Arena] [Carla Arena] i learn every day...whenever i need to use it for something [Berta] Mystery guess are great!!! [Dennis-Phoenix] Hear, hear, Carlinha! [Carla Arena] that's the idea of having an audience [Dennis-Phoenix] Yes—mystery guests are a great idea! [Carla Arena] i used the idea of the mystery guest [Carla Arena] and it's fantastic! [Carla Arena] I used with my adult groups [Carla Arena] with Dennis Newson in Germany [Dennis-Phoenix] I've seen those blogs, Carlinha. [Carla Arena] we had a video produced by my students and dennis replied with a video, too. [Dennis-Phoenix] I saw that! [Carla Arena] yes, it's in the blogs of the week (week 4) [Nagora] I took a look of your blogs, Carla [Dennis-Phoenix] "The great good teacher": Wonderful! [Carla Arena] if you want, I can later on show you the way through Bee's blog and then the activity i developed last year [Nagora] It's rather challenging [Nagora] thanks Carla [Nagora] Agrees with Dennis [ClaudiaB] Hi, Mary Hillis!!! My threads collegue! I hadn't seen you were online! [ClaudiaB] I mean "colleague" [Paul] Hey, Mary! Top of the morning to you. [Bee] aaron [Mary H] Hello, Claudia and Paul [Carla Arena] great intro, bee. It's really a change of paradigms [Bee] are you synchronized? [ErikaA] yes Bee [ClaudiaB] I thought you had fallen asleep in front of the computer! [Carla Arena] totally, Bee [Nagora] who? Claudia? [Bee] de-synchronize to let aaron move [Dennis-Phoenix] Yes, a very fine introduction, Bee! [ClaudiaB] Mary. It took her some time to say hello [Nagora] Wonderful, Bee. Thanks a lot! [Carla Arena] that's the hardest part to change... [ClaudiaB] That's you Nina (Nagora) Right? [Nagora] right [ClaudiaB] Hi, Nina! [Nagora] Nina from Ukraine [Carla Arena] Nina, now i feel at ease to talk to you... [Carla Arena] I was kind of not knowing how to address you! [ClaudiaB] That's right. We've got two Ninas and two ClaudiaBs now! [Horacio Idarraga Gil] Why did you change your name, Nina? [Gladys] I love these diagrams... [Nagora] thanks Carla,. [Mary H] Me too! We're visual learners.. [Nagora] because of Nina Liakos used to use Nina [Berta] minds that need others to instruct them on what to do [Bee] yes Bertha [Berta] instead of making their own decisions [Elizabeth Anne] when the whole system is authoritarian it tough offering smthg else [Elizabeth Anne] sorry [Bee] we are the movers and shakers...:-) [Carla Arena] blogs give other perspectives to students. some will go ahead, some will be stuck. [Nagora] yes, Carla, it's the matter [Carla Arena] the teachers need to be facilitators...leading the way... [Dennis-Phoenix] "Learning is not the beginning or end of the journey: it is the journey itself." [Carla Arena] but letting the students build their knowledge [Carla Arena] great, dennis! [Dennis-Phoenix] constructivism [Carla Arena] PLE - personal learning environment [Berta] they have to see [Bee] usually teachers impose on learners what to write [Berta] sorry [Dennis-Phoenix] Right, Bee. I've often done that myself. [Carla Arena] true, aaron [Bee] any questions? [Horacio Idarraga Gil] Carla. I don´t remember what the green buble mean [Berta] students get so used to be told what to do that are confused when the decisons are left in their hands [Dennis-Phoenix] It shows who is speaking, Horacio. [Dennis-Phoenix] Hear, hear, Berta! [Berta] yes [Carla Arena] yes [Elizabeth Anne] yes [Gladys] yes! [Nagora] it's ok here [Horacio Idarraga Gil] The speaker is blue. I mean the green buble [Carla Arena] yes [Nagora] yes [Berta] scissors? yes [aaron] which slide are you on? [Carla Arena] closed and open [Elizabeth Anne] no prob 9 [aaron] k [Berta] yeah, 9 [Nagora] 9 [Gladys] The green buble means who's typing, Horacio.. [Carla Arena] yes [Horacio Idarraga Gil] Thank you Dennis [Carla Arena] yes. it's habit-teaching also! [Carla Arena] true. [Nagora] What do you mean by autonomus blogger, aaron? [Dennis-Phoenix] No hay de que, Horacio. [Carla Arena] when they blog, i teach them to use dictionaries online, to look for extra info on the topic [Bee] someone who does not depend on the teacher to tell him/her how to learn [Horacio Idarraga Gil] No hay por donde, dice EL CHAVO [Nagora] Okay, Bee [Dennis-Phoenix] LOL, Horacio! [Carla Arena] that's why my experience with adults was really rewarding. [Carla Arena] mainly in the project with Dennis, the international Exchange [ClaudiaB] I love el Chavo, Horacio and Prof Jirafales' English class [Carla Arena] great diagram! [Carla Arena] they are all generating content! [Berta] very representative [Nagora] Carla, I saw your videao in your Blog, it's amazing. [Horacio Idarraga Gil] Don´t you want to have a student like KIKO? [ClaudiaB] Nooooooooo, please!!! LOL [Carla Arena] very easy to do, nina. [ErikaA] And each student brings its own content! [Nagora] I am planning to try it this year, Carla [Carla Arena] count on me!!! [Nagora] Great! [Carla Arena] we were discussing that in our session, bee [Horacio Idarraga Gil] Carla. And on me. I want to learn [Gladys] yes, task assignments work better with webpages, or at least wikis, right? [Carla Arena] i remember i had some assingments when i started blogging... [ErikaA] If the student asks you to correct him, you could print his post and take it to the clasroom or in an online course, you could email the student. Only if he wants to! [Carla Arena] then i just realized exactly what bee said... [karim] I guess Iam in the 2003 phase [Dennis-Phoenix] I did, too, Carlinha. When I tried to control everything, it just didn't work. [Carla Arena] we don't need a blog for homework... [aaron] i often correct my student's blog posts in a private "vertical" space. Many find it helpful. [Dennis-Phoenix] Hear, hear! (no blog for homework) [Carla Arena] we can use a page or wiki for that and leave the blog for interaction [Dennis-Phoenix] Hear, hear! [Carla Arena] i think nothing is prohibited, dennis. [Dennis-Phoenix] I agree. [Carla Arena] But i switched the way i used blog. If i wanted some extra practice, i'd do it in a way that would lead to a dialogue, a conversation among participants. [karim] I suppose we all have to go thru Bee's Phases [Carla Arena] Bee's Phases. I loved that, Karim! [Dennis-Phoenix] I would guess that we do, Karim. [Berta] questions to real people about real interests [Nagora] are there any confidential ways to communicate with students one-to-one while blogging? [Dennis-Phoenix] And—ultimately—finding one's real, authentic voice! [Gladys] YOu can always email the student, right, Nina? [Carla Arena] you read my mind, gladys! [Gladys] Gladys nods reading Dennis (finding your own voice) [Nagora] yes, that's a good idea, to make corrections via e-mail, [Carla Arena] yes [Berta] yes 14 [ClaudiaB] yes [Bee] 14 [Elizabeth Anne] yes [Nagora] yes [Elizabeth Anne] is this a check that we're not asleep? [Berta] lol Elizabeth [ErikaA] from student to explorer! I love that! [karim] What about the levels of students? [Bee] I did it with 11 year olds [Carla Arena] karim, i blogged with my basic adult students! [Bee] beginners [Carla Arena] impressive the way they developed! [Carla Arena] some really went so beyond. that's exactly the beauty of it! [Nagora] what about the university students? [ErikaA] even beginners have something to say! [Bee] it´s a bore [Bee] homework should be handed in through mail [Dennis-Phoenix] What's a bore? [Bee] for the teacher´s eyes only [karim] Different bloggs for different levels? [Dennis-Phoenix] Slide 15: [Bee] constant awareness of what makes blogs UNIQUR [Dennis-Phoenix] constant awareness of what makes blogs unique [Carla Arena] when the students have an audience, they get much more worried about lg itself! [Dennis-Phoenix] freedom of direction and choice of content [Bee] freedom of direction and choice of content [Dennis-Phoenix] conception of audience [Nagora] Absolutely agree. [ErikaA] My main interest in blogging is really interacting with an international audience! [ErikaA] My students have learned that they can communicate with the whole world! [Carla Arena] and that's why networking is so important. you can have an audience! [Dennis-Phoenix] Hear, hear, Carlinha! [Gladys] That was a surprise to me... how hard it was for my students to write for an audience who was not "me the error corrector"! [Nagora] yes, Erika, it makes them to be more motivated to learn FLanguage [Bee] aaron [ErikaA] Students in Brazil think that they are learning English to communicate with the US only. So it is really a big hit when they read comments from all parts of the world! [Nagora] I hope to involve my students and colleagues for blogging. [Berta] quite an eye opener Erika [ErikaA] Sure Berta! [Gladys] Students in Argentina think they're only learning English to make their CVs look better! [ErikaA] that's even worst Gladys! [Berta] true Gladys, same in Venezuela sometimes [Nagora] I am going to share all these new tools for my colleagues at the TESOL-Ukraine conference in April. [ErikaA] Spread the word Nina! [Dennis-Phoenix] Definitely! [Nagora] Anyone who would like to arrive and participate at the conference in Ukraine? [karim] How can you manage all your students' blogs? [Dennis-Phoenix] I'd be interested, Nina—if I can participate online from Arizona, U.S.A. [aaron] karim...you can use an aggregator to keep track of all posts [Nagora] Thanks a million Bee. Wonderful things you are talking about. [ClaudiaB] You can subscribe via Feedblitz and get the posts by mail, Karim [Carla Arena] Karim, you can keep track using aggregators like bloglines, netvibes...they will keep you updated on all the updates from your students' blogs [Nagora] Oh, yes, Dennis. The online conferences is Present, and conferences on site are the past. [Dennis-Phoenix] Definitely! [Carla Arena] yes. [karim] How do young students learn blogging skills? [ErikaA] Really rewarding! [Gladys] that's the dream of a writing teacher, Bee!!! [Nagora] I feel so much excited this night in Ukraine, that can't help but amazed a lot. [ErikaA] Blogs and photoblogs are a fever in Brazil! [karim] Do we have to teach them/ [ErikaA] Sure you can teach them blogging skills Karim! [Dennis-Phoenix] I'm excited, too, Nina: the BfB workshop and this presentation are very heady things! [Nagora] absolutely right! Bee [Carla Arena] it's part of "media literacy", Karim [Dennis-Phoenix] Very engaging, very thought-provoking, very empowering. [Nagora] right, Dennis! [Paul] Karim, one ways is by modelling. [ErikaA] When students blog, they do their best to write accurately because they know not only the teacher is going to read it. [Nagora] Just visiting different blogs helps to understand how [Carla Arena] Nina, it gives you some ideas on how to get started [Nagora] yes, Carla [Carla Arena] then you'll find your own blogging style... [Berta] Bee, do you have students for a full academic year? [Carla Arena] yes, she does, Berta. [Carla Arena] she teaches high school students [Berta] ok Thanks [Bee] I teach secondary school students [Nagora] Bee, what are your students majoring in? [Paul] Ownership and open-ness - great keys! [Nagora] oh I see [Carla Arena] yes. ownership... [Bee] from 10th to 12th grade [Dennis-Phoenix] ownership and openness: finding one's voice and using it [Nagora] I still don't know what syndication is. [Carla Arena] dekita.org [Carla Arena] Nina, we can discuss more deeply its concept. [AndrewP] Bee, I just got back from a day of meetings and received you email about this session. It was not on the BAW 2007 schedule for today. The schedule is the opening web page that comes up when someone enters the portal. It only shows Geoff Kaye and me tomorrow. [AndrewP] I do have your presentation now, but it may too late to put it up on the server [Nagora] Hi Andrew! [Bee] it´s ok Andy [AndrewP] Hi Nagora [Bee] we managed :-) [AndrewP] ok [Carla Arena] www.flickr.com [Bee] I was late sending them [Bee] my connection is fickle [Nagora] I enjoy Flickle myself. [Bee] holistic assessment [Bee] open a conversation [Dennis-Phoenix] I have to leave, everyone. [Elizabeth Anne] bye [Dennis-Phoenix] Sorry! This has been wonderful! [Dennis-Phoenix] Bye . . . . . . [Carla Arena] I've assessed my students in the sense of knowing what they wanted and they said they wanted to keep blogging! [ClaudiaB] Do you use any kind of rubric to assess your students' work, Aaron? [Paul] Bye, Dennis. [Berta] Bye Dennis [ErikaA] Thanks for coming Dennis! [aaron] bye dennis [Carla Arena] Dennis, bye! [Dennis-Phoenix] My pleasure, Bee! [Carla Arena] www.dekita.org [Dennis-Phoenix] Bye, everyone! [aaron] i haven't worked with rubrics yet with blogs. [aaron] it's an idea I have considered, though [aaron] I think Bee may have used rubrics before [Nagora] Bye Dennis. It was nice see you here [ClaudiaB] I'd like to know how you grade blog posts [Carla Arena] i don't, claudia. [karim] How much resposibility do we have over content of student'spostings? [Carla Arena] great question, karim. [ErikaA] I guess he grades their work throughout the project, not posts... [ClaudiaB] I'm not seeing the Dekita slide [Horacio Idarraga Gil] Que tengas buenas noches, Dennis [Elizabeth Anne] ok for me [ErikaA] try to click on slide 25 Clau [aaron] Claudia...I grade them according to their level of engagement with the process. I give them weekly feedback to let them know how they are doing. [ClaudiaB] I can't see the thumbnails either [aaron] Karim...that totally depends on the students and the teacher. [Gladys] You don't take quality of language into account at all, Aaron? [AndrewP] click on this link: www.dekita.org [Carla Arena] in accordance to what we've been discussin, right, Gladys? [Paul] Dekita is on now. [Carla Arena] we can see the page! [ClaudiaB] It's OK now. Dekita! [aaron] Karim....I try not to control content at all. I point them to write about their interests. [AndrewP] what do you want Bee [Bee] 26 [Gladys] I was reacting to Aaron's comment on how he grades his students, Carla... [aaron] Gladys...I look for demonstration of some of the techniques we discuss in class concerning language, but I don't emphasize it. [ErikaA] I can see slide 26. [Gladys] Thanks Aaron for the explanation... [Elizabeth Anne] help - how do I close the dekita window? [aaron] My students have "studied" English for 6 years but have never USED it. [ClaudiaB] I can't! 26? [karim] If you as teacher engage your students in the creation of content, then you are resposible for whatever they post. [ErikaA] I clicked on the green arrow to go back on the top and then clicked on slide 26. [ClaudiaB] Ready! I pasted the URL for the slideshow in the URL area [Gladys] I'm not clicking on anything, we have synchronized browsing :) [Elizabeth Anne] Yes - thanks [Nagora] can I have it again, I was disconnected [aaron] Yes Karim...to a certain extent. It should be noted that none of my students are required to blog - they choose to do it. [Bee] 27 [Berta] Good point Aaron [Carla Arena] nina, click on the green arrow, and go to slide 27 [Nagora] I lost everything, and donsee a presentation Welcome ErikaA [ClaudiaB] Paste this URL Nina: http://beewebhead.net/b4b_files/frame.htm [Nagora] Thanks Claudia. [Carla Arena] networking... [ClaudiaB] You're welcome, Nina! [Carla Arena] key in blogging [Horacio Idarraga Gil] Are there snails or snakes [Elizabeth Anne] we were supposed to be beginners [Gladys] I haven't tried Dekita yet, but this year I'm definitely going to! ;-) [Bee] I see..well now you are not anymore :-) [ErikaA] I really need to give it a try! Bee, will you guide me? [Nagora] It seems to, Bee [Carla Arena] I've been there, but haven't had the chance to use the great content in the orchard. [Carla Arena] Elizabeth, that's where you can find classes to partner or blog for fun! [karim] What is the meaning of the word Dekita? [Berta] Thanks so much again and again and again, Bee [Nagora] Thank you very much, dear BEE! [Bee] dekita means I did it [Gladys] clap clap clap bravo!!!! [karim] Dekita Latin or reek [Bee] it´s Japanese [juanlusz] thanks, wonderful [ClaudiaB] Brilliant!!!! :-) [Bee] I managed [Nagora] Wonderful!!!! [Bee] I was successful [Carla Arena] great! [Mary H] Thank you for your wonderful presentation, Bee and Aaron [ErikaA] So I will do it too! [Nagora] aaron where are you from? [karim] Something like Eureka [Berta] Thanks Aaron, Bee, Gladys, Erika, Claudia and all [Gladys] so once I can network my classes using dekita, I'll be able to say "Dekita!" ;-) [Bee] Aaron is American [Elizabeth Anne] I wanted to say that communication = exchange [Bee] Rudolf is Swiss [Elizabeth Anne] needs a listener [Bee] and I am Brazilian [karim] Thank you Bee, Aaron [Bee] a wonderful international collaboration [Elizabeth Anne] that's why dekita sounds great [Nagora] Definitely, Bee. [Elizabeth Anne] THANKS [Bee] Thank you for inviting us and being here with us [Berta] That´s a very generous project for the EFL/ESL world community [Nagora] It is wonderful!!!\\ [Paul] Thank you all! [juanlusz] ok, thanks, good night [Gladys] Pls everyone, hold on... don't log off yet [Horacio Idarraga Gil] Thank you so much, Bee, Aaron and all. See you later [Bee] lol [Bee] go ahead [Nagora] Thank you Eriks, Gladys, Carla and everyone. [Bee] it´s really worth it [AndrewP] Gladys and Erika will you put the recording up on a server? If not I can host it on our server if you send me the two recordings by email. [Carla Arena] We all are! [karim] Good Night, It's bed time [Carla Arena] my sons and husband, too! [Berta] how lucky of all who are meeting f2f in Seattle. Enjoy [Carla Arena] oh, Bee, sorry for holding you here! [ClaudiaB] Thank you [Nagora] Andrew, we'll be grateful to have a copy on server. [Elizabeth Anne] wow -really great [karim] Dinner in Barcelona? [ClaudiaB] Bee and Aaron [ErikaA] I can put it on my school server on Monday. [AndrewP] ok, Erika [Carla Arena] thanks, Aaron! [Nagora] Good night [Gladys] thank YOU, Aaron and Bee! [Bee] Ciao [Berta] thanks Aaron [ErikaA] I will do it Andrew! [Carla Arena] I'm gonna start my night! [ClaudiaB] Our pleasure! [Elizabeth Anne] where is aaron? [Elizabeth Anne] I'm off to bed [AndrewP] USA [Elizabeth Anne] France [Berta] Venezuelan in Toronto [karim] Morocco North Africa [Nagora] Nina Lyulkun Ukraine [Nagora] Thank you Gladys!!! [Berta] Thanks Gladys, you are always great [Carla Arena] Thank you, Gladys [Elizabeth Anne] bye [ClaudiaB] Bye, Gladys!!! [Horacio Idarraga Gil] Yes, Gladys, I´m from Venezuela [ErikaA] Thank you Gladys! [ClaudiaB] Carla and Erik were wonderful!!! [ErikaA] Claudia, I loved to hear your voice one more time!!!! [ClaudiaB] Me too, Erika! [ClaudiaB] I mean YOUR voice [Nagora] Erika, will the recording be available from your server? [Carla Arena] The discussion will be going on on the blog and in our yahoogroups! [Carla Arena] girls, thanks for being here. [ErikaA] Yes, Nina. On monday, ok? [Nagora] THANKS a TON!!! [Gladys] Erik, [Carla Arena] Claudia, your voice is unbeatable!!! [ErikaA] I will put it a link in our wiki, live sessions! [karim] Night Night everybody. Sayonara [Carla Arena] Girls, I have to go now. Salsa Classes! [Gladys] Erika, I have the recording from Phil Hollows, but no server to upload such a heavy file to... [Mary H] Sayonara. Talk to you soon [ClaudiaB] Who's doing the bookmarking for B4B? [ErikaA] Good night! [Nagora] night Karim, [Mary H] that's me, claudia [Carla Arena] Karim, thanks for being here againg with us... [ClaudiaB] Bye, Mary! [Mary H] the bookmarker, i mean [ClaudiaB] I'll send a message to you in a minute [Nagora] bye dear [Gladys] I've had enough "dancing" with B4B... [ErikaA] Gladys, I guess I have it too! promise to do it on Monday. [Mary H] bye bye [Gladys] dinner time and bed for me! [Carla Arena] now it's real one gladys!!! [ClaudiaB] OK, Mary. I've got todays bookmarks on a doc. [Nagora] have a nice weekend everyone [Carla Arena] bye, girls! [ErikaA] Bed time for me! [ClaudiaB] I'll send tehm to you [Carla Arena] bye, karim [karim] Next week I'll try to be more present [Gladys] I have the list of particuipants and a screenshot... [ErikaA] I have screenshots too. [Gladys] I send it to one of you, or paste it to the LiveSessions wiki page myself? [Carla Arena] erika, did you record it? [ErikaA] I will save the chat log now. [Carla Arena] can u upload it to our server? [ErikaA] Yes, I am recording it! [ErikaA] I will do it Carla. [Gladys] stop the recording, Erika, please! [Carla Arena] OK. talk to you later. bye [ClaudiaB] You'd better stop recording! [Nagora] bye beautiful girls! [ErikaA] I just paused it, how do I stop? [ClaudiaB] Bye, Nina! [Gladys] bye Nina, glad you've made it! [ClaudiaB] Goodnight [ErikaA] ok, done! [Nagora] I am happy to stay with you [Gladys] was there a lot of repetition with the other presentation by Bee? [ErikaA] i didn't watch the other one! [ClaudiaB] Has Carla left us? [Gladys] me either, but Nina was there live... [ErikaA] yes [ClaudiaB] But she's gone [Gladys] yes, just Claudia and me with you...